Rank your rotations with confidence

Discover the best-ranked rotations in your Foundation School. We've crunched all the data from the GMC's National Training Survery to show you the best and worst rotations at a glance ranked by Workload, Supervision, Learning and Overall Scores.

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Trusted by 6k+ doctors

The smarter way to rank your rotations

Data from the GMC Survey

Our rotations ratings are from thousands of responses from the GMC National Training Survey

Data Driven Insights

We've crunched all the data to show you the best and worst rotations at a glance ranked by Workload, Supervision, Learning and Overall Scores.

Time-Saving Tools

Easily save, rank and export your favourite rotations to save time.

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Training Navigator

Returning in March 2021 for rotation rankings

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Up-to-date reviews and tips on training programmes, hospitals and departments from the medical community.

From the latest GMC Training Survey
From junior doctors across the UK

Foundation Resource Hub

Essential reading for choosing your Foundation School and rotations

Dive deeper...

📈 Introducing the Training Navigator: We explain how to get the most from the Training Navigator, explore the data used and the methodology and answer your FAQs.

😁 Which Specialty has The Happiest Foundation Trainees?: We’ve broken down the data from the Training Navigator so that you can easily see how each specialty is ranked by Foundation Trainees.

💙 Which Foundation Schools have the Happiest Doctors?: Find out which Foundation School get top marks from its trainees, and which schools are at the bottom of this list, as we crunch the data from the Training Navigator.

🏋️♀️ Which Foundation Training Specialty Works You The Hardest?: Find out which specialties have the highest and lowest workloads on average for Foundation Trainees, helping you rank your Foundation School rotations.

😰  Which Foundation School Works Trainees The Hardest? Find out which Foundation Schools have the best and worst workload, based on the ratings from their previous doctors.

🏥 Which Hospitals Are Rated The Best By Foundation Trainees?: In this article, we’ve done a deep dive into the Training Navigator to give you a breakdown of how each hospital was rated by previous Foundation Trainees. Perfect to help you rank which hospitals you’d like to work in.

🔍 How To Rank Your Foundation School Options: If you're struggling to rank your Foundation School preferences, this guide will help you understand the importance of your FPAS score, and how you can use it to strategize how you rank your Foundation School preferences

🌍 How to Decide Which Foundation School is Right for You: This guide breaks down the key steps to work through when looking through the 20 Foundation Schools so that you know which are right for you

😕 Allocation Scores for Foundation Schools in 2021: Want to know how your FPAS score to a Foundation School compares to last years applicants who received a place? This article will show you the FPAS distribution for the year 2021 so you'll roughly know where you stand for each school

📰 Messly's Top Tips For The SJT 2021/2022: Here you'll find the key top tips to help you improve your SJT score, and avoid any nasty surprises from the SJT

🚀 Which Are The Most Competitive Foundation Schools?: Find out the competition ratio's for each Foundation School over the past 3 years, and see which school is currently the most competitive to get into

📅 The UKFP Application: Timeline Breakdown: Here you'll see all the important key dates for your application, so you'll know what you need to do when you need to

Foundation Programme Guides

Updated for 2024