GP Training Application Round 2 - Opening July 2020
Promoted on behalf of Health Education England
Applications for GP Training for doctors from other specialties opens next month.
Changes in the NHS over recent years, especially in light of the pandemic, means that the focus is increasingly on population health, primary and community care services. So it may not come as a great surprise to learn that we’re receiving many more applications from trainees in other specialties, trust grade doctors and consultants, who want to build on their skills and experience, learn to adapt and become a GP.
You may have reached the stage in your career you like the thought of not just concentrating on one pathology - where you can get to know your patients personally, people refer to you as ‘my doctor’, look beyond illness to lifestyle and want to maximise the balance of variety and specialisation.
We understand that it’s not so easy to find information when you have moved on from the normal training cycle. The GP National Recruitment Office contains a wealth of information - here are the key resources you need if you're considering a career in General Practice.
Application Timelines:
The final specialty training application adverts for 2020 will appear on NHS Jobs, Oriel and Universal Job Match websites on the 15 July with applications open 28 July – 13 August 2019 for a start in February 2021.
Want to speak to a GP?
Email Daryl at if you would like to be put in contact with a GP/trainee who has or is going through this experience or to find out more about any aspect of the career from our pool of local and national experts.
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