F3 Stories Podcast: Dr Esra Arslanboga
Welcome to the F3 Stories Podcast by Messly. This podcast shares the adventures and wisdom of doctors who've taken an F3 Year and hopefully, inspire you to create the F3 Year of your dreams.
You can catch up on all of our previous episodes by visiting our F3 Stories Podcast Hub.
In this episode, we speak to Dr Esra Arslanboga who is currently an F3 doctor in Wales.
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🔎 About Esra
Esra Arslanboga came to medicine as a post-graduate student after studying psychology and neuroscience. Her foundation training years were heavily impacted by the covid-19 pandemic and she wanted a break to travel as an F3.
After a bit of travelling, she realised that what she actually was craving was the opportunity to learn, explore, and experiment within medicine.
Her F3 Year has been characterised by saying ‘yes’ to every opportunity that has presented itself, but instead of overwhelming her as she works four jobs, she has only felt invigorated by the opportunities that she missed out on as a foundation trainee.
Esra has a full-time job as a trust grade doctor in Orthopedics and also works as a locum doctor in ED. She spends her weekends doing Driver’s Medical checks and her evenings working on her fledgling business as a lifestyle medicine coach. This year, she completed the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine qualification and is now completing a functional medicine course in the limited free time she has left.
✅ Topics discussed
In this episode of F3 Stories, Esra shares how she has found the energy for so many different jobs, and which one she enjoys the most. She also explains how she found the job doing Driver’s Medicals, and what it entails, as well as what she has learned about herself this year and how it is impacting her career ambitions.
This episode also includes:
👉 Esra’s jobs breakdown
👉 Esra’s initial F3 plans
👉 How Esra found and obtained the drivers medicals jobs / what it entails
👉 Which job esra enjoys the most
👉 What she learned from taking time out of training
👉 How her Lifestyle Medicine course has changed her practice as a doctor.
🛠️ Useful links
👉 Sign up to Messly’s locum finder service to get quick access to locum work.
👉 Learn more about Trust grade roles in our article.
👉 Find more alternative medical roles at Medic Footprints.
👉 Look for trust grade jobs here and here.
👉 Learn more about Esra’s functional medicine course here.
👉 Read about the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine here.
👉 If you want to do Driver’s Medical checks, check out D4 Drivers.
👉 If you want to contact Esra, she has two Instagam accounts you can reach her on. Her Lifestyle Medicine Coaching account and her Aesthetic Medicine account.
This article is part of a wider series of comprehensive guides and information to help doctors ensure their F3 year is a success. We cover everything from initial planning, options for moving abroad, help with finding work, and tips for making the most of the experience.
Click here to visit our F3 Resource Hub to explore the full list of guides and articles.
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