Clinical Fellowship Hub
Welcome to our Clinical Fellowship Hub - where you can find all of our articles and information around Clinical Fellowships.
Fellowships are an increasingly popular choice for F3 doctors as they provide a number of unique professional and learning opportunities that other jobs, including training roles, don’t offer. In this hub you will find articles about what fellowships are, how to get one, and what to expect from your first day on the job.
We have a several information hubs for you to enjoy and learn from, exploring topics like locuming, working in Australia, and even portfolio and appraisal. You can find the full list of our hubs at the end of this article. We update and add to our hubs often, so be sure to bookmark this page and check in regularly. Happy browsing!
🩺 What Is a Clinical Fellow?
A detailed guide to fellowships, including why clinical fellows are needed, where they work, how you can become one, how much money you could earn as a clinical fellow, and how this compares to a junior doctor’s salary.
⚖️ What is the Difference Between a Clinical Fellow and a Trust Grade Doctor?
Find out the key similarities and differences between Clinical Fellowships and Trust grade roles, and weigh the main pros and cons of each role.
🩺 Understanding Junior Doctor Grades and Titles
The term junior doctor and the multitude of acronyms used to differentiate these doctors can be difficult to understood. From F3 to Locum to SHO, we've curated and defined a list of confusing terms, acronyms, and abbreviations to help you navigate the broad variety of grades and job titles.
❓ Clinical fellow vs Locum Doctor. Which should I choose?
Learn about the key differences between a clinical fellowship and a locum role, and weigh up the pros and cons of each before choosing which path to take.
✅ How I Created My Own Clinical Fellowship
F5 Doctor Amelia explains how she got a role that was not advertised and negotiated the position to create a role that worked for her. She also gives her top tips for creating your own fellowship role.
💡 Tips for your First Day as a Clinical Fellow
Find out what to expect from your first week as a clinical fellow, how to prepare for the new role and how to make the most of your first few weeks in the job.
🔍 How to Get a Mortgage as a Clinical Fellow or Trust Grade Doctor
Learn about what lenders are looking for, the common difficulties that clinical fellows face when applying for mortgages, how you can put yourself in a strong position to get a good mortgage offer, and read our top tips from the experts in getting a mortgage on a fixed-term contract.
Messly’s Hubs
F3 Hub
Everything you need to know about F3 Years, as well as information and tips about how to decide if an F3 Year is right for you.
Locum Hub
Our centre for all things locuming; from how to find work and negotiate rates, to how to get learning and development opportunities on the ward.
Portfolio Ultimate Guide
Find out what a portfolio is, how to use one to benefit your career, and get our tips and tricks on how to ensure your portfolio helps you with job applications and appraisals in the future.
Ultimate Guide to Australia
Everything you need to know about applying for, working in, and moving to Australia as a UK junior doctor. Get insider reports on the different regions of Aus, and learn how to get your Australian adventure started.
Ultimate Guide to New Zealand
Hear from doctors currently working in New Zealand about their experiences working in one of the happiest countries on Earth.
F3 Stories Podcast
Find a full list of all of our episodes from our F3 Stories Series including a summary of the topics discussed in each episode.
Clinical Fellow Hub
Learn everything you need to know about fellowships, from how they may be able to benefit your career and how to find and land a job, to how to prepare for your first day on the job.
We would love to know your thoughts on the resources we provide, so please feel free to get in touch with us at if you have any questions or comments about this article.
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